Yaaay! Chandana , being her usual sweet self, has passed on an award to me :) Thanks a ton!
So the thing is i have to list 7 things about myself. here I go
- My hair changes its state (cury /wavy/ long waves/short waves/ semi straight) according to even minute changes in the weather. It can be quite irritating, but hey! I get different styles everytime without any effort.
- I can skate quite well
- I can't identify different models of cars (neither do i care abt it):P the 'aha' moment comes only when i read its name at the back :D
- I can make a mean chocolate cake
- I oh so want to be a published cartoonist...right now :D
- I think i am a bit materialistic :P
- I can speak 5 languages, but read only 3 :D
ok, Since it's Tanvi's birthday today (and the fact that she is quite stylish) am going to pass the award to her!
This was fun :D